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Foto del escritorPäivi EagleWiseR Kunnas

Now, let's have some fun! Let's enjoy life!

Sometimes you realize that life isn't fair, that others always win and you never do, that your neighbor has a nice car - why can't you, that your friend has a luxury bag - why can't you have luxury too? Why do you have to work so hard for a living and can't spend a nice vacation in the sun?

L'avantage quand on est le dernier, ce qu'il suffit de se retourner, est on est le premier.
The advantage when you are last, when you just have to turn around, is that you are first.

The simple answer lies in the secret elite System that distorts truth and perverts justice. All societies are built on the fundamental pillars of this System. The rules of the game (legislation) in society don't apply to everyone - or rather they seem to apply to everyone, but others know how to play the game by abusing the rules to their advantage; the members of the elite.

The abuse and misappropriation of laws on defense secrets (business secrets, state secrets, etc.) has become too lucrative a game for the elites, because nothing can break the seals of defense secrets. Why not? Because the key to the seal lock is in the lock itself. You reveal the abuse of a defense secret and you are responsible for the breach of the defense secret, not the perpetrators who abused it. The innocent go out the front door.

I always find it unfair that this know-how only belongs to an elite, because it's an incredible machine for getting rich and getting away with it, seemingly for nothing. So I decided to create this website for two reasons. Firstly, the legal protection of defense secrets won't change unless these asset-grabbing practices become commonplace. Second, we can't protect ourselves if we ignore these unfair and criminal practices. And frankly, I think everyone should be able to benefit.... So, I'm sharing with everyone this know-how on how to get rich and defeat your opponents by turning away from the law. Secretly. With the secret methods of the elite.

EagleWiseR Game - a real-life game!

The aim of my EagleWiseR Game is to explain to people how the right to defensive secrets such as trade secrets, banking secrets, medical secrets, commercial secrets, state secrets, etc. can be abused. All without proof, “air as if nothing had happened”-style. Not forgetting to introduce them to the techniques of manipulation and organizational instrumentalization, document falsification and authentication, identity theft, corruption and recruitment and entrapment techniques. People will also understand why it's important to learn to lie, to live a double life. Prosperously.

People will also learn about the secret methods used by intelligence agents; how to secretly go to different places (keep people away, disguise themselves, disrupt networks, disable alarms, etc.) and work there in secret without leaving any trace, how to extract information (security codes, online bank keys...) and erase its memory, replace original objects with copies, etc. As if it were nothing. Without any proof. What's more, EagleWiseR teaches all players to change their appearance and acquire their own “uniforms” (protective clothing that leaves no trace), blankets and other materials needed to act as a secret agent. Also, EWR briefly explains how the political and power elites work, how things are resolved behind the scenes as if nothing had happened.

EagleWiseR fans at least have fun and enjoy the game, or preferably more: winnings like a few hundred thousand euros, a nice car or motorcycle and a clean business, acquired through the secret methods of the elite.

cordially yours.


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