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Writer's picturePäivi EagleWiseR Kunnas

Business by Intelligence Services: secret sado nights for jet setters

Updated: 3 days ago

I am republishing here an article I published during my EagleWiseR mission (2012-2013), as it may well be of interest to many.

Secret sado ultra secret French parties by Bernard Squarcini: the Show-Bizz is enjoying it.

It is a very lucrative business of intelligence services, created in France by Bernard Squarcini. Private "sado" parties are in great demand by the ShowBiz, by high society, by monarchs, because they are rich and bored, and nothing makes them more happy. This is an ultra-secret activity because it violates all laws and human rights.

The victims of the participants are chosen in advance as in a menu: who will be "available". But these "elected" do not participate in these parties voluntarily. They are stunned, drugged, dressed and disguised to attend without their knowledge. No proof. They are removed from their beds and will wake up in their own beds exactly as they were before sleeping ...

I know what I am talking about and I can attest to that. I was kidnapped and taken to these parties (obviously without my knowledge) as a victim, three times, and each time I miraculously woke for a moment, but the secret agents had knocked me out immediately of course, and treated to erase my memory. The last time was the Mayor of Deauville, to whom I had "the honor". Miraculously awake, I asked him what I was doing there and I told him that I was not there voluntarily. I assure you, that Philippe Augier was terrified. I can also testify of the other participants of these horrible evenings, like the TV host Arthur in Paris. But without any proof, as is the case with all the maneuvers of the secret agents, who believes me?

This is one of the hottest hobbies of show biz and high society. It's a little "their thing", a surpassing of all the imposed limits. For this, some American actors (also couples) and European monarchs often go to Paris and Deauville in France.

Each participant of these "sado" parties will be able to live his most horrible fantasies with the most coveted characters (without being asked in their opinion) which will never be possible in real life. These participants are very rich and nothing "normal" does them more pleasure enough. Fortunate therefore, they choose their victims "available" in the city or around at this time ... On the menu: top models, singers, politicians, other famous people ... at a very high price. Because these victims, "the elu (e) s", will not arrive at these parties voluntarily. They will never know anything because they are stunned and drugged, then 'treated' (washed and cared for if necessary) and put back in their beds at home.

This is a totally illegal practice and against the Human Rights, but the police and the French army are at the service of the intelligence agents. They protect them at the expense of French state. These secret evenings are organized by heads of intelligence services; a very very profitable business. An evening can bring in millions of euros. And sometimes, unfortunately, also dead people. The last death of these victims, to my knowledge, was makeup drowning in Deauville in 2015. It was a girl, a little too strangled in these sessions, but without any trace of that. For these evenings the victims are dressed in latex or gum combinations to avoid leaving marks etc. When there are deaths, the secret agents make up the deaths for example by quickly administering them an overdose of drugs, which will then be falsely the official cause of death.

Today, no man or woman of power (politics, position, fortune ..) does not tire more to chase pleasures in nightclubs or elsewhere. They just call their intelligence contact (Squale or his subordinates) and the "elu (e)" will be in their bed at such time for an hour (or more). Who could believe it? No proof. And if need be, whoever speaks about it, will soon have other concerns.

Among the participants of these sado secret parties we saw (I had given more than 60 names of participants in the defense, for nothing) for example Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Dany Boum, Carla Bruni, Paris Hilton, Mike Jagger, Johnny Hallyday, Arthur, Cauet, Danny Boon, Teddy Riner, Carolina of Monaco (who loves singer Raphael), Albert of Monaco, Prince Andrew and his (ex) wife Sarah, many saudian princes, Mayor Philippe Augier (who is totally submissive and controlled by his current wife, so happens by a faithful husband what), Nicola Sarkozy (who still loves his ex-wife Cécilia Attias, uses it in cache and the fuck without his knowledge, thanks to Squarcini, mine You're welcome).

These secret sado nights are organized by the secret services at the presidential security level. Normally, the Police and the Army have no idea of ​​the type of event that they are securing and protecting, as commanded by the high state hierarchy. Bernadette (= Bernard Squarcini) has fun to see them protected.

Where do these parties go? Wherever there is demand; for example in the private premises of the Barrière casinos in Deauville where Trouville and at Fouguet's in Paris. Because Dominique Desseigne is a regular participant, it looks like ... an addict to these private sado nights. Moreover the Barrière Casinos are the only ones to intervene in the electronic games of roulette (strictly prohibited) by computer scientists on the spot. For Desseigne, to make money, everything is allowed.

These evenings were also seen in Bagnoles de l'Orne at the Bois Jolie hotel because it is located near a monastery: participants arrive there through the monastery forest (as the most faithful what) and enter the hotel through the door behind and go down to a luxurious, well insulated lounge, where the windows and doors are upholstered so that the noises of torture, screams, smells of urine, stool, traces of sweat vomit, blood, hair, tears, etc. will never come out ... Because, after these horrible events, these places are cleaned very professionally by the secret agents. No trace, no proof. Nothing has ever happened.

Secret agents are not jamesbonds

Everyone has certainly heard about secret services, but it is wrongly considered something distant and "normal" to defend state interests. If they were true worthy professionals just performing their state missions, why not, but they are just the opposite. Each secret agent abuses the means and coverage of the state for their private ends. The "jamesbonds" do not exist; secret agents are ugly, unattractive, rather oblivious, frustrated, jealous, silly and perverse. Could we understand them if we put ourselves in their place? Their work "does not exist" because it's secret: so they do not have a professional identity. They live all their lives in their world of lies, never able to disconnect. Secret agents are not frequent people either: most are alcoholics and drug-addictive, very suspicious and often followed by psychiatrists. In fact, secret agents are rats.

Besides, you can probably understand why this former civil servant, our famous Bernard Squarcini, is now spending his retirement as a multimillionaire...

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