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Photo du rédacteurPäivi EagleWiseR Kunnas

A new era has begun – forget BigBen and the Greenwich meridian

As an expert in Competitive Intelligence since 2012 and a former police officer, I developed this revolutionary game EagleWiseR based on Elite's secret methods. The Elite power is invincible, because it plays invisible. I find it unfair that this know-how only belongs to the Power Elite, because it is an incredible machine that allows you to get rich and get by without any problem.

In the name of justice, I think everyone should be able to benefit from it...... So with this EagleWiseR game, I share with everyone how to get rich and beat your opponents secretly by the secret methods of elite.

 I strongly believe in the power of competitive gaming, so I have worked tirelessly to bring you unique gaming experiences. Passionate about research, I am fascinated by the secret and invisible world where everything important happens and where everything is decided, in reality. For better or for worse, unfortunately often in an unfair or even dubious way.

The abusive use of TOP secrecy (banking secrecy, medical secrecy, professional secrecy, state secrecy, defense secrecy, etc.) has become too lucrative a game for the elites, because nothing can break the seals of defense secrecy (top secret). For what ? Because the elite created this system to gain immunity and stay in power forever. The top secret lock key is itself locked. If you report an abuse of defense secrecy, you will be convicted for violation of defense secrecy, not the perpetrators of the abuse.

The worst part is that no one controls this secret and merciless world. For example, agents and barbouzes have fun there, benefiting from government coverage. They destroy and kill people without leaving a trace, without evidence. The logic behind their actions is that their target did it themselves.

So I decided to create this EagleWiseR game for two reasons. Firstly, the impermeable and unlimited legal protection of defense secrets will not change if we do not generalize these abuses and abusive practices. Second, we will not be able to protect ourselves if we ignore these unfair and questionable practices. And in the name of justice and humanity, I believe that everyone should be able to defend themselves with the same weapons and play with the same stakes, enjoy their life with equal opportunities...

Are you ready to become rich and rise to power? The EagleWiseR game will completely change your life! Do not hesitate. Go for it!

a new era has begun. forget the GWT (Greenwich) meridian which only allows us to see the visible side of the Truth. Now navigating with the EWR (EagleWiseR) meridian, we also see the invisible dark side of the truth. 

Play invisible - be invincible!

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