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Competitive intelligence consists of providing strategic and useful information at the right time, to the right person and in the right context, in order to gain a decisive competitive advantage. It involves the coordinated collection, processing and dissemination of useful information with a view to its exploitation, as well as influencing and protecting the information. It is therefore first and foremost a decision-making tool, whether strategic or tactical.
Competitive intelligence is made up of three key elements: monitoring, protecting and influencing.

Competitive intelligence is a combined process of strategic planning and market research. It aims to gather and synthesise information on factors external to the organisation, such as competitors, innovation, markets, technology, research and development.

Applications of Competitive Intelligence, for example:
- Competitor profiling (facts, threats and opportunities, intentions, reaction profiles)
-Identification of early warning signals
- Comparative analysis
- Environmental analysis
- Assessment of current and future technology
- Analysis of new products and services
- Analysis of new opportunities and risks.
- Satisf
action surveys
- Comparative analysis
- Assessment of market position

Let's pull back the curtain and see what your competitors/opponents probably already know - and what you don't!
At this very moment, your competitors may be gathering information about you, your immediate surroundings, your environment, your habits, your strengths and weaknesses, your movements, identifying or managing opportunities where there are gaps, your vulnerabilities.  And you?


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